Be Fit for Your ‘Light Adventure’ Travel
If you’re close to retirement age or already there, you’re probably planning a lot of trips. For some, that might mean driving to play with the grandkids, flying to New York to see a play, or relaxing on a beach.
But for a growing number of people over 50, 60 and 70, it means light adventure trips – where you participate in exciting physical activities that can be challenging but don’t reach the extreme level of, say, helicopter skiing or climbing Mount Everest.
Countless mature adults are exploring ideas like these:
- Kayak tours, diving, and white-water rafting.
- Safari trips to Africa or even more exotic locations.
- Cycling on multi-day journeys.
- Hiking the Appalachian Trail in the Southeast United States; the Camino de Santiago in Spain; or exploring along the Great Wall of China.
- Snow skiing and snowboarding.
Statistics show Baby Boomers make about five pleasure trips a year and spend more money than other age groups on leisure travel. For many, it’s time to attack their bucket list of destinations.
Come share your travel plans with us and we’ll make sure you’re ready to have the time of your life. Particularly after 50, we’ve got to stay fit so we’re ready for the opportunities of this kind of travel.
We’re here to build your strength, particularly in your legs, core and back; develop your stamina; and keep you limber.
You’ll need all of that for visiting those grandkids even more!
We can help keep you doing what you love to do or prepare you for new things you might like to do.
Gordon Palmer – Personal Trainer, Functional Aging Specialist, Brain Health Trainer. Global Fitness & Racquet Centre, Kelowna, BC Canada.