Project Body Smart | Enjoy the Holidays


Enjoy the Holidays

— But with a Plan

We’re providing these graphics as a fun way to share information to help you stay on track with your exercise and eating habits over the holidays.

Consistency is key to getting and staying fit. So, don’t worry too much about an occasional indulgence like a big, family dinner this time of year.

But how do you keep it in check with all the socializing, travel, and schedule disruptions — not to mention your favorite seasonal dishes?

We recommend mindfulness, moderation, and moving your body every day. And remember to limit the number and duration of your indulgences this year. One day here and there might be OK, but don’t let a holiday meal stretch into a week of overeating and napping all afternoon! 

We’re Open and around for classes and training over the Holiday. Drop in for a visit and a workout, Hot Tub, Sauna or Steam.

Project Body Smart – Global Fitness & Racquet Centre

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