Certified Personal Trainer & Health Coach
My name is Gordon Palmer. I’m a successful Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Leader and Health Coach I’ve been in the health and wellness industry for over a decade. I’m more passionate now than ever about helping others live healthier lives through small changes to daily habits. I live in a small city in the interior of British Columbia, Canada and in a rural location on an acreage that allows me to garden and live a life outside the busy city. I’m very fit and healthy (as far as I know anyway) and practice what I preach. I’m not a fanatic about any specific diet or body type etc. I believe in living a balanced mindful life and doing our best every chance we get.
As a Personal Trainer and Health Coach, my ‘office’ is in a gym one day, outside the next, or teaching Project BodySmart philosophies at different venues. If you would like to make an appointment please feel free to contact me by clicking the link on the right, or emailing me at
We are located in Kelowna, BC Canada in a beautiful area called the Okanagan Valley
I currently lead fitness classes at Global Fitness and Racquet Centre – Kelowna
or on demand at private fitness studios in the Okanagan.
I train one on one, partner, small groups and teams. I train at various locations including
Global Fitness and Racquet Centre – Kelowna